Personality Test

Based on the Five Factor Model, this test is provided for entertainment purposes, but could be adapted to create personas for use in digital marketing and customer journey mapping. The results provide a score, measured on a scale from 5 (high) to 1 (low), for the traits of openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism, along with corresponding descriptions explaining their meaning. The results will disappear when you leave the page.

Select one answer for each of the 60 multiple choice questions. Press the Personality Test Results button to get your results for each of the five personality traits.


1. I enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts.

2. I am open to trying new experiences.

3. I enjoy solving complex problems.

4. I seek out different perspectives on issues.

5. I appreciate artistic and creative activities.

6. I value independence of thought and behaviour.

7. I prefer variety over routine in my daily life.

8. I am curious about the world around me.

9. I often engage in abstract thinking.

10. I enjoy discussing philosophical ideas.

11. I like to challenge traditional ways of thinking.

12. I am comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty.


13. I like to plan my activities in advance.

14. I always strive to complete tasks efficiently and on time.

15. I am detail-oriented and meticulous in my work.

16. I take pride in being dependable and reliable.

17. I prefer to have a set schedule and stick to it.

18. I keep my workspace neat and organised.

19. I am thorough in fulfilling my responsibilities.

20. I set clear goals and work diligently to achieve them.

21. I avoid procrastination and tackle tasks promptly.

22. I take my commitments seriously and follow through.

23. I regularly review and improve my performance.

24. I make sure to double-check my work for errors.


25. I feel energised when interacting with a lot of people.

26. I enjoy being the centre of attention in social situations.

27. I find it easy to start conversations with strangers.

28. I prefer being in busy, lively places over quiet, solitary ones.

29. I seek out social gatherings and events.

30. I am comfortable expressing my opinions in a group.

31. I thrive in situations where I can meet new people.

32. I like to take the lead in organising group activities.

33. I am often the one who initiates social plans with friends.

34. I feel bored and restless if I spend too much time alone.

35. I enjoy participating in lively debates and discussions.

36. I feel happy and fulfilled when I am around others.


37. I strive to be helpful and supportive to those around me.

38. I am empathetic and sensitive to the feelings of others.

39. I prefer to cooperate rather than compete with others.

40. I find it important to maintain harmony in relationships.

41. I am willing to compromise to avoid conflicts.

42. I enjoy doing acts of kindness for people.

43. I am patient and tolerant when dealing with difficult individuals.

44. I often go out of my way to make others feel comfortable.

45. I value other people's perspectives and consider them in my decisions.

46. I avoid being critical or judgmental of others.

47. I am quick to forgive and move on from misunderstandings.

48. I feel satisfaction from helping others succeed.


49. I often worry about things going wrong.

50. I get stressed out easily in challenging situations.

51. I frequently feel anxious or on edge.

52. I am sensitive to criticism and negative feedback.

53. I have mood swings that affect my daily functioning.

54. I struggle to cope with stress in a healthy way.

55. I often feel self-conscious in social situations.

56. I have difficulty controlling my emotional reactions.

57. I frequently feel sad or down without a clear reason.

58. I tend to overthink and ruminate on problems.

59. I am easily discouraged by setbacks and failures.

60. I often feel overwhelmed by my responsibilities.