The Five Factor Model

Personality tests were developed to measure, classify and better understand human behaviour. Based upon decades of research, The Big Five Personality Traits Test is widely used by psychologists and measures on a scale from high (5) to low (1) the traits of openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. Also referred to as The Five-Factor Model (FFM), it provides results that are less detailed and more open ended than many other personality tests, but they are widely considered to be more reliable.

Five Factor Model

Individuals might use personality tests to learn more about themselves, or to help them find a suitable career path. Most people will find themselves somewhere between high and low for each of the five personality traits. Rather than viewing the results as good or bad, they can be considered something that could help people to make decisions that suit their personality and might lead to greater success. Scores can also be impacted by other factors, such as mood and environmental influences, which should be considered when evaluating results.

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Some people might be unhappy with their Five Factor Model personality test results. However, the good news is that these characteristics need not be fixed. We become what we think and do each day and habits can influence our personality traits. Therefore, if someone wants to change how they think or feel about themselves, relate to other people and interact with the world around them, they can make life choices that will help them to do so. Although the process can be difficult, taking the first step could start them on a path towards becoming the person they want to be, with the life they want to live.

Employers frequently make use of personality tests when evaluating current or potential employees for particular roles. Authors can use them to find inspiration for the creation of believable and consistent characters when writing stories. Businesses might use them in a variety of ways, such as developing realistic personas for use within digital marketing campaigns and during user journey mapping when designing and developing websites.

Understanding the Five Factor Model, the five personality traits it measures and their influence upon human behaviour could give you greater insight into the stories we tell each other about who we are. Below is a brief description of each Five Factor Model personality trait, along with how scoring high or low in that trait might influence real world behaviour. For example, based upon their findings a business might decide to highlight aspects of what they sell in a manner that is more likely to appeal to people with particular personality traits.


The Five Factor Model personality trait of openness measures an individuals level of imagination, creativity and their interest in other people, the world, new ideas and new experiences.

People who score high on the openness scale are open to new experiences, often have a wide range of interests and are curious about other people and the world. They enjoy learning new things, dislike routine, have a good imagination, seek out novel and exciting experiences and are drawn to creative activities. Abstract thinkers and receptive to new ideas, people scoring high on the openness scale can also be unpredictable and unfocused.

People who score low on the openness scale prefer routine and structure, tend to be cautious and are generally resistant to new ideas or different ways of doing things. They will typically take time to consider all of the available options and information before making decisions and typically avoid behaviour that they consider overly risky. Those scoring low on the openness scale struggle with abstract thinking and can find it difficult to perceive different perspectives.

For people high in openness, suitable career choices could include artist, writer, designer, musician, scientist, software developer or architect. For people low in openness, suitable career choices will be practical and could include accountant, engineer, office manager, technician or mechanic.

People high in openness tend to respond to marketing messages that make use of storytelling and vivid imagery, which highlights innovative features, creativity, unique experiences and offers previews of new products or services. People low in openness are more likely to respond to marketing messages using language that is clear and straightforward. They focus on reliability, value for money and potential improvements in productivity and efficiency, which could be highlighted in case studies or testimonials, featuring verifiable data related to a product or service.


The Five Factor Model personality trait of conscientiousness measures an individuals level of impulse control, their ability to be organised and to remain focused upon achieving an objective.

People who score high on the conscientiousness scale are thoughtful, possess good impulse control and are typically goal oriented. They tend to be reliable, efficient, organised, pay attention to details, plan ahead and focus on meeting deadlines. Perfectionist high-achievers, people scoring high on the scale of conscientiousness are generally ambitious, self-disciplined and productive, but can also be stubborn.

People who score low on the conscientiousness scale are typically easy going, unstructured and lack organisation in their thinking and behaviour. They can be careless of details, often procrastinate and are more likely to miss deadlines than those high in conscientiousness. Those scoring low on the conscientiousness scale might be described by others as spontaneous, but might also be considered untidy, irresponsible, lazy or unreliable.

For people high in conscientiousness, suitable career choices could include medical professional, project manager, lawyer, business executive or financial analyst. For people low in conscientiousness, suitable career choices could include artist, writer, musician and sales or marketing professional.

People high in conscientiousness tend to respond to marketing messages that prioritise the quality and reliability of a product or service, focusing on how it can help them achieve their objectives. Content should provide relevant information within a well organised and logical structure, highlighting benefits, customer reviews and service guarantees. People low in conscientiousness are more likely to respond to marketing messages that emphasise the ease of use and flexibility of a product or service, highlighting how it can be adapted meet the customers wants and needs. Language used should not be overly technical, but provide examples of how it can quickly and conveniently be used to solve whatever issues a customer might have.


The Five Factor Model personality trait of extroversion measures an individuals level of preference for social interaction, taking part in exciting activities and how assertive they can be.

People who score high on the scale of extroversion (extraversion) enjoy the company of others and are energised and inspired by spending time in social situations. They are typically assertive, expressive, outgoing, domineering and attention seeking. Those scoring high on the extroversion scale, enjoy meeting new people and being the centre of attention. They will seek out opportunities to expand their social circle and often have many friends and acquaintances.

People scoring low on the extroversion scale are introverted and typically find social events draining. This can leave them needing to spend time on their own to restore their energy levels, before facing the world again. They tend to be reserved, reflective and solitary, which can come across as aloof. Although they find large social gatherings exhausting, introverts can enjoy being with other people, particularly in small groups and with people who they know and trust. The relationships that they form might be few in number, but of great importance to them.

For people high in extroversion, suitable career choices could include public relations or sales professional, journalist, office manager or performance artist. For people low in extroversion, suitable career choices could include data analyst, IT professional, book editor or research scientist.

People high in extroversion tend to respond to marketing messages that highlight the fun of social and interactive experiences, through the use of exciting visual and audio content that engages their interest. This could include the promotion through social media of events, where potential customers will have an opportunity to meet other people. People low in extroversion are more likely to respond to marketing messages that use calming visual and audio content, to highlight the benefits of a product or service for people who are happy to be on their own. Promotional materials should include self-service options and comprehensive user guides.


The Five Factor Model personality trait of agreeableness measures an individuals level of empathy, compassion, generosity, willingness to help other people and their desire to avoid conflict.

People who score high on the agreeableness scale are typically friendly, kind, compassionate and co-operative. They tend to have high levels of empathy, enjoy helping other people, take pleasure in their success and feel deep concern for those in need. Those scoring high on the agreeableness scale are likely to be described by others as generous and good natured. However, they might also be perceived as naive and too trusting, which could cause some people to try to take advantage of them.

People who score low on the agreeableness scale are generally competitive, selfish and have little or no interest in the well being of others, or helping them with their problems. They can be argumentative, antagonistic, manipulative, often lack trust in the motives of other people and might look for opportunities to take advantage of them. Those scoring low on the agreeableness scale might bully, intimidate and insult people who they consider weaker than them.

For people high in agreeableness, suitable career choices could include teacher, medical professional, support worker, social care professional or careers advisor. For people low in agreeableness, suitable career choices could include lawyer, banker, sales professional or politician.

People high in agreeableness tend to respond to marketing messages that highlight the social, community and environmental benefits of a product or service. The language used should be warm and the content focused upon ethical principles, customer support and community responsibility. People low in agreeableness are more likely to respond to marketing messages using language that is confident, direct and highlights how a product or service can contribute to their success. They will look for products or services promoting benefits such as exclusivity, that could give them an advantage over their competitors.


The Five Factor Model personality trait of neuroticism measures an individuals level of negative emotions, such as anxiety and depression, that they feel in response to challenging information, situations and experiences.

People who score high on the neuroticism scale tend to be emotionally unstable, suffer from high levels of anxiety and go through dramatic mood swings. They can be irritable, overly sensitive, dwell on worries and have angry outbursts, leaving others confused as to the possible cause. Those scoring high on the neuroticism scale are more likely to lack confidence, feel sad and insecure and exhibit behaviour that can damage their relationships with other people.

People who score low on the neuroticism scale are typically emotionally stable, calm in the face of adversity and resilient when responding to setbacks. They are generally confident, secure in their sense of who they are, don't worry unduly and rarely experience sadness or depression. Other people might view those scoring low on the neuroticism scale as being sensible and reliable, but a little dull or uninspired.

For people high in neuroticism, suitable career choices could include being an artist, writer, musician, dancer or other form of performance artist, in which emotional expression is expected. Working in a stable and structured environment, such as a research or technical department, might also be suitable. For people low in neuroticism, suitable career choices could include being a firefighter, medical emergency professional or working in a customer support role, where a calm response to stressful situations is required.

People high in neuroticism tend to respond to marketing messages using language that is calm, reassuring and designed to bring customers peace of mind. For example, by highlighting features of a product or service that will improve safety, provide comfort, reliability and security, along with good customer support. People low in neuroticism are more likely to respond to marketing messages that emphasise the performance benefits and low maintenance requirements of a product or service, using language that is clear and direct. For example, by providing suitable technical information for key features and relevant details of repair or replacement options.