Email Newsletters

Email list building is widely considered to be an effective method for a business to establish and build relationships with their customers. Typically this involves offering something to people in return for their email address. For example, they might subscribe to receive an email newsletter, which will contain information on topics of interest to them, which they consider to have value. Email newsletters should be sent on a regular basis, so that people will look forward to receiving them when expected. As part of a digital marketing strategy, email newsletters can help a business to increase customer engagement. The sample email newsletter below is for fictional cybersecurity company SecureITCyberUK.

Email Newsletter

SecureITCyberUK Newsletter: October 2024

Making the Digital World Safer for SMEs

Hello ‘Name’,

Welcome to our monthly email newsletter looking at the world of cybersecurity.

Imagine it’s a busy Monday morning, after a weekend spent enjoying time with family and friends. Looking forward to a productive week ahead, you continue preparations for an important conference that you will be attending the following week. An email arrives. It appears to be from an important client who you are scheduled to meet for lunch. You click on the link, then pause, as you ask yourself if the email was genuine. Realising that you might have have opened up your company systems and data to an external threat, you go into emergency mode, as you try to minimise the possible damage.

Sadly such a scenario is all too real for businesses across the world. It can result in serious disruption to the operation of a business and SMEs are targeted in nearly half of cyberattacks. At SecureITCyberUK our mission is to protect our clients from cyberthreats, while they prioritise the delivery of products and services to their clients. Our expert teams have helped to protect many businesses and enabled them to rapidly recover if their systems and data are targeted.

The efficient flow of data in its many forms is the lifeblood of a business. If you have completed a SWOT analysis of your business, to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, cybersecurity issues likely emerged as a major threat. Developments in areas such as AI are raising new concerns, which businesses should be aware of. We devote time and resources to staying at the cutting edge of such emerging threats, so that we can more effectively serve the needs of our clients.

In our October edition, we will look at some cybersecurity trends and provide advice that could help your business to remain safe from the many threats out there. With SecureITCyberUK on your side, we can work together to reduce the demands on your precious time and give you greater peace of mind.

Cybersecurity Tips From SecureITCyberUK

Phishing – Don’t Take The Bait

The use of technical and social engineering techniques to deceive people into revealing information of a sensitive nature about themselves, other people or an organisation is termed phishing. This could result in malicious actors being able to install software under their control, in order to monitor and gather data. They could also prevent a business being able to access their own data, unless some form of payment is made. Phishing could take the form of deceptive emails, text messages or phone calls, which are designed to gather information, that will subsequently be combined to produce a comprehensive profile of individuals or organisations. This could also put the clients of a business at risk, causing financial and reputation loss.

Backup and Recovery – Minimising Disruption

Recovering from a data breach can be a nightmare for a business that does not have a robust backup and recovery plan in place. The consequences of a business being locked out of their own data files could be devastating, leading to huge losses and even failure. Having a robust backup and recovery process in place, along with multiple layers of defence can ensure data remains accessible. A good plan should ensure software is up to date, recognise vulnerabilities and fix them. Data stored securely in multiple locations can bring a business peace of mind they will survive and recover from what might otherwise be a disaster.

Password Protection – Staying Strong

Data breaches can be the result of passwords being compromised, by entities that might access systems undetected. Therefore, it is essential for a business to have a robust password protocol in place to safeguard their systems. This could involve the use of a password manager. In addition to using unique passwords that are of sufficient length and complexity, implementing on all accounts the use of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), can add a powerful layer of security. The Wi-Fi networks across which communications take place should use unique strong passwords and encryption, limiting access to only trusted devices. These steps will help to reduce the risk of unauthorised access.

Employee Training – Be Prepared

A businesses is only as secure as its weakest point. Therefore, it is important that all personnel in a business receive adequate training. With the advent of increasingly powerful AI the potential threats are growing in complexity. It is better to be prepared, so that everyone in an organisation can recognise risks and they know how to respond appropriately. SecureITCyberUK runs workshops, both online and in real life, teaching basic steps to follow, which do not require technical expertise, but follow an agreed upon set of protocols. We can train management and employees on how to recognise potential threats and provide guidance on staying safe online.

If your own clients or suppliers experience a data breach, this could also pose a risk to your business. Therefore we have put in place protocols to manage such a scenario.

Download our free eBook, featuring advice on managing common security issues.

Why Choose SecureITCyberUK?

When running a business there are many demands on your time and resources, as you compete to deliver products and services to clients, retain and find new clients and reman profitable. You are the experts at running your business, but cybersecurity is a fast moving challenge that you likely lack the resources to manage effectively on your own. Let SecureITCyberUK take some of that pressure off you. We can provide solutions designed to meet the needs of your business.

Contact Us: Schedule a Free Consultation Today.

  • Our security solutions are crafted to meet the challenges confronting SMEs today.
  • We thoroughly analyse our clients systems, to ensure nothing slips through.
  • We are dedicated to building longterm partnerships with each client.
  • We will work closely with you to understand and address your needs.
  • We are focused on keeping your business systems and data safe.

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We can provide client testimonials and case studies, demonstrating how we have helped other SMEs remain safe and secure in a challenging environment.

Join our Free Security Webinar, held the first Tuesday of each month between 10am and 11am UK time.

Meet members of our team, who will be ready to answer your questions in a live Q and A session.

Seat numbers are limited, so please reserve your place now.

Thank you for reading this month’s edition of the SecureITCyberUK Email Newsletter.

The Team at SecureITCyberUK

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