Digital Marketing For SMEs

The Internet enables small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to reach their target audience and compete against larger companies on a more level playing field than is possible when using traditional print and broadcast media. Digital marketing refers to the use of channels such as search engines, websites, social media and email to market and sell products and services online. It enables an SME to promote their brand and raise awareness of their products and services, generating leads and sales.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategy Planning

Businesses that want to reach customers online often invest considerable time and resources into marketing the products or services they sell. A well planned strategy can reduce the risk of wasted time and resources, as stated in the quote ‘Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance’. For SMEs, their business website and social media presence will likely be central to their marketing strategy, but they should begin by identifying measurable goals, such as generate more leads and sales. Researching and evaluating what might help a business achieve their goals could reveal a path to success. For example, data driven copywriting, web analytics tools, market research, organic and paid marketing.

Business Website Strategy

The quote ‘Content is King’ remains as relevant today as it was when first used in the 1990s. Therefore, before building or redesigning a website, a business should define their goals, target audience and content requirements. If structure, hierarchy, navigation and page layout of a site are designed before content has been sourced, issues could arise. For example, content might not be in place before a launch or relaunch date, or the site might need to be redesigned to accommodate content. A schedule should be established to efficiently manage site content updates and additions, manage security and monitor performance.

One of the first decisions a business will make before building a new website is their choice of a suitable domain name and extension, such as com, org or net. A short keyword rich, or branded, domain could give a site greater credibility, can be easier for people to remember and might boost the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Web page content, titles, descriptions and uniform resource locators (URLs) should be SEO friendly. Site structure, navigation, hierarchy and web page design should follow usability best practice principles. Investing the time and effort into the planning of a business website strategy, could provide a foundation upon which to build future success.

Factors including cost and learning curve, will influence the choice of whether to build a site using a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress, or a platform such as SquareSpace or Shopify. Shared hosting might be sufficient for simple brochure sites. However, busy eCommerce sites will require hosting suitable for their traffic levels, such as virtual private server (VPS), dedicated or cloud based solutions, which vary in terms of their cost, scalability and ease or difficulty of use. A valid secure socket layers (SSL) certificate should also be installed to encrypt data. Visitors will then see a green padlock in the address bar before the site URL.

Digital Marketing and Copywriting

Within a digital marketing campaign, copywriting can be delivered through different content types, each requiring a suitable approach. Blog posts can be used to share insights and updates that resonate with an audience, while articles are generally longer and used to explore a topic in greater detail. For example, a cybersecurity company could provide advice about data security, attracting the attention of people who are concerned about protecting their business data. A company selling innovative products might highlight the benefits in a technical article, in a manner that reflects findings from market and customer research, building their reputation as industry thought leaders.

A white paper, or eBook, could be used to demonstrate industry expertise and attract leads. They can be made available to download online, which could involve the use of a simple form, with fields for a contact name, email address and possibly a tick box to confirm they are happy to be contacted with relevant follow up information. Case studies could establish credibility, by detailing successful real world use of a product or service. For example, a case study of a business reducing costs by moving data to the cloud or using data analytics to optimise their supply chain.

Content marketing using social media posts could be designed to attract and engage with an audience in an informal manner. For example, a business selling CRM (customer relationship management) software could use infographics that provide useful and easy to understand information, that people might be inclined to share with other people. A weekly or monthly email newsletter could nurture leads, by sharing information the recipients will consider relevant and valuable. For example, a business selling services that use AI (artificial intelligence) could feature AI related content and links to articles or blog posts, along with invitations to online or real world events.

Data Driven Copywriting

Copywriting aims to attract the attention and the interest of potential customers, so that they are converted into leads, who then purchase a product or service. By analysing data such as website traffic, engagement and feedback a business can increase the effectiveness of their content. Within a digital marketing strategy it is important both to identify and collect relevant data and analyse that data in a manner that produces useful results and actionable conclusions. For example, by identifying which content headlines, topics and blog post or article length attract the greatest audience interest and engagement.

Audience segmentation using factors such as demographics, The Five Factor Model, preferences and onsite behaviour, enables content to be personalised. This process can increase engagement, brand loyalty and sales. Search engine optimisation (SEO) involves using keywords that are relevant, engage audience interest and rank highly in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Effective analysis of relevant data can reveal patterns within user behaviour that inform content strategy, helping a business to use resources more efficiently. Artificial intelligence (AI) enables large datasets to be analysed rapidly and can provide insights people might not find.

The process of developing a digital marketing and copywriting strategy that is data-driven begins with defined objectives. This could include increasing the level of traffic and engagement on a website, promoting brand awareness of a business among consumers, or generating more leads or sales for a particular product or service. Having determined which metrics need to be measured in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a digital marketing campaign, suitable data analytics tools for gathering the data can be selected. Following an iterative process the strategy can be refined and improved to deliver the best results.

Copywriting involves the use of creative skills, including storytelling and the development of relatable characters. However, the effective use of data, such as click though rates (CTR), social media shares, audience likes and reviews, time spent on a page and subsequent behaviour, can increase understanding of how well digital content resonates with the target audience. Data can highlight what works, what doesn’t work and areas for improvement. Merging creativity and analysis can help businesses to invest resources where they are likely to bring the greatest return, by increasing audience engagement and generating more leads and sales.

Digital Marketing and Web Analytics Tools

Marketing metrics can provide a deeper understanding of how a business is performing online. Data collected using web analytics tools can be analysed and reports produced that inform decision making. For example, when analysing website performance, using data related to site traffic sources, user behaviour and demographics, on-site engagement and conversion rates. Data analytics tools can also be used to evaluate the performance of social media marketing, paid and organic search and email. This information can be used by a business to optimise their digital marketing strategies, improve user experience and boost results online.

The metrics a business decides to measure will be influenced by their marketing goals, but some metrics are frequently measured. Website metrics include; visitor numbers, page views, time on-site, bounce rate, new and return visits. Email metrics include; open, click through, bounce, conversion and unsubscribe rates. Social media metrics include; follower numbers, impressions and conversion rate. Lead generation metrics include; number of leads, conversion rate, cost per lead and return on investment (ROI). Metrics used in eCommerce include; conversion rate, average spend and number of items per order, number of transactions and overall revenue from sales.

Google Analytics

The most widely used web data analytics tool, Google Analytics can provide a business with metrics about their website including user demographics and page views. Tracking user behaviour against predefined goals, such as registrations or sales, enables a business to optimise content and design on their site to improve performance and return on investment (ROI) in different markets. Alternatives to Google Analytics that might serve the needs of a business include; Microsoft Power Bi and Adobe Analytics.

Google Ads, allows a business to use PPC advertising, based on demographics, location and suitable keywords, to drive their target audience towards relevant content. When integrated with Google Analytics a business can monitor and optimise the performance of their paid advertising to maximise ROI. Google advertising can appear within search results or display advertising on websites in the form of AdSense, generating a passive income for the site owners.


Email marketing continues to be among the most effective methods of reaching a target audience. The MailChimp email marketing platform provides templates that can be used to design customised email messages, newsletters and email sales funnels. Audiences can be segmented according to demographics, location and previous engagement. There are tools that enable businesses to plan, launch, monitor and manage automated email campaigns. In addition to website landing pages and eCommerce integration, MailChimp can be used to manage social media marketing.

Offering both free and paid plans, MailChimp can be scaled to meet changing requirements of a business. It provides web analytics tools that can track metrics such as open, click-through and conversion rates, enabling email design and content to be optimised to improve ROI. It can also be integrated with other marketing tools, such as Google Analytics, to produce comprehensive reports. Alternatives to MailChimp that might suit particular requirements of a business include; HubSpot and Constant Contact.


Key elements of a digital marketing strategy include content marketing, SEO, paid and organic marketing and access to web data analytics. SEMrush is a digital marketing platform that provides businesses with the tools they need to manage the various elements of their online marketing strategy. In addition to finding keywords that can help them to reach their target audience through organic and paid search, businesses can learn more about their competitors best performing keywords and backlinks. They can also identify relevant trending topics around which to create engaging content.

Website analytics data provided by SEMrush highlights issues that can impact performance, such as broken links or slow loading pages. Analysing traffic on their own site and those of other businesses enables an SME to more effectively direct their limited resources to get the best ROI. Metrics that can be analysed include visitor numbers and behaviour, most visited pages and traffic sources. Analytics reports can inform more effective data driven decision making, which can help a business achieve their goals. Alternatives to SEMRush include ahrefs and Google Search Console.


In addition to content, usability and visual design, it is important when building a website to consider performance metrics. GTMetrix is a web analytics tool that provides metrics such as page speed and a breakdown of the load time for different website elements. Metrics to be aware of include; Time to First Byte (TTFB), Time to Interactive (TTI) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP). They can impact search engine ranking and the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns.

Reports can be generated that highlight factors impacting performance on different devices and in different locations. The reports can provide suggested improvements, such as compression and caching. There are various GTMetrix plans available, that can be used to optimise website performance. This can improve user experience, boost page position in search engine results pages (SERPs), increase engagement and reduce bounce rate. Alternative testing tools to GTMetrix for measuring website performance include Google Page Speed and WebPage Test.

Market Research and Customer Research

Developing effective digital marketing campaigns requires an understanding of the market and target audience for a particular product or service. Identifying and adapting to trends and opportunities can give a business an edge over their competitors. Market research enables companies to increase their knowledge of the market and through customer research they can learn about the behaviour and preferences of potential customers. The process could involve analysing data from online and real world surveys, social media and existing market and customer data. Logical segmentation and personalised messaging, is more likely to attract the attention of the target audience. They can be encouraged to follow a call to action (CTA) that motivates the purchase of a product or service.

Rapid change means that technology companies are particularly aware of the need to remain up to date on the latest trends and opportunities in their sector. Market research and customer research should be carried out to evaluate the viability of a product or service before it is launched. This can provide valuable information upon which to build a digital marketing campaign. However, when conditions change and new competition or opportunities emerge, a change of strategy might be required. Awareness of market and customer data, enables a copywriter to deliver content that will be more likely to resonate with the target audience, generating leads and sales.

Market research can include determining the size of the potential market for a product or service and evaluating the competition, regarding factors such as pricing, features, design, reliability and usability. Reading reviews and social media comments might identify strengths, weaknesses and preferences. A business could run focus groups where a representative sample of their target audience user tests a product or service and answers relevant questions. This might reveal customer wants and needs. A business could use this data to make what they sell more appealing to customers.

Relevant information could guide decisions when planning a digital marketing strategy, copywriting content or determining if a course correction is required. Using The Five Factor Model, when creating personalised messaging, could increase its effectiveness within content such as landing pages, articles, blog posts, eBooks, white papers, case studies, email newsletters and email sales funnels. Based upon customer feedback, A/B testing and by analysing data such as open rates and response rates, an iterative process could be employed to develop a digital marketing strategy that both attracts and retains customers.

Customer relationship management (CRM) software can be used to store data, enabling customer interactions, leads and sales to be tracked and recorded and information more efficiently analysed. Performance metrics, such as email open, click through and conversion rates can be measured, along with onsite tracking, to optimise digital marketing strategies. Actions including reading blog posts, downloading reports or watching videos could be tracked, along with responses to CTAs. Reports, including charts and graphs, produced using such data could inform the planning of digital marketing strategies.

Search Engine Optimisation

Although there are a number of search engines available, Google has by far the largest market share and businesses generally prioritise attracting organic traffic on Google. Webpages are ranked, rather than entire websites, which can lead to internal pages ranking higher than the home page for keyword searches. Factors influencing web page rank include; content quality and age, usability, backlinks from authority websites, outbound link quality, domain history and page speed.

Most people click on the first links in web search results. Therefore, businesses compete to appear at the top of the first page of search results for their relevant keywords. In the past various tricks were used to gain an advantage, but they can now result in content being penalised. Instead good SEO involves building web pages that search engine algorithms rank highly for relevant results. Search engine companies also compete to deliver the most relevant results to users, to lessen the risk of them switching to alternatives.

Providing content that will be relevant to users can attract engagement, sharing and good quality back-links, which will cause search engine algorithms to rank pages more highly. When people click on links in search engine results pages (SERPs) and visit a webpage, activity is evaluated to determine relevance and quality of a web page. Factors evaluated include time spend on the page and whether they visit other pages on the site, or leave before doing so (bounce) indicating it did not meet their needs.

Keyword Research

When people search online for a product or service, they use words related to what they are searching for, called keywords. Keyword research is the search for words and phrases that potential customers are likely to use when they are searching online for the products or services a business sells. Tools including Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush and Ahrefs can be used to find suitable keywords and phrases. However, keywords should not be overused, but appear naturally within well written content.

The web page title and description appear in search results. In addition to being attention grabbing they should accurately reflect page content. Keywords should appear naturally within content, image alt text and headings, to increase on-page and on-site engagement and reduce bounce rate. The keywords ‘cloud storage’ and ‘cloud computing’ are frequently searched for, but less competitive long-tail keywords can also attract traffic. For example, ‘affordable cloud storage for small businesses’, ‘cloud services for remote teams’ or ‘eco-friendly cloud hosting providers’ could inspire topics suitable for articles or blog posts.

Organic and Paid Marketing

Website traffic can either be organic or the result of paid marketing. Organic strategies build traffic over time, by creating content that attracts and engages visitors. In addition to effective SEO and keyword research, a business that can establish credibility as an authority in its sector could attract backlinks, a higher position in organic search rankings and increased organic traffic. Although the process is time consuming and competitive it can be an effective way to build reliable traffic long term.

Paid marketing can begin attracting traffic as soon as the adverts are activated, but skill is required for it to be cost effective and deliver optimum results. Terms used in paid advertising include Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Cost-Per-Click (CPC), Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Cost of Acquisition (COA). Suitable keywords and relevant quality landing page content can reduce advertising costs and boost sales, making adverts more profitable. Paid marketing campaigns can improve discoverability, helping to drive traffic until organic marketing begins to deliver results. Good copywriting can help both organic and paid marketing.

Examples of Digital Marketing Applied to Copywriting

Within the following sales copy for fictional technology companies I have taken a storytelling approach and used an active voice, focusing on benefits rather than features. Combined with SEO and keyword research, this delivers copywriting that is dynamic, engaging and highlights how the technology can help clients to become more successful.

Cloud Computing: Business Transformation Using Cloud Services

Imagine a future for your business in which rather than wasting resources and limiting growth using outdated servers, scalable cloud solutions will help you to meet changing demand. Using our cloud migration services, we are helping a successful retail chain to scale their server use as their business grows. This has already increased efficiency and reduced costs. Learn how moving to the cloud could help your business increase efficiency and reduce costs. Contact us today.

Internet of Things (IoT): Increase Efficiency and Reduce Costs Using IoT

More accurately monitoring and controlling functions across your business with an easy to use platform could increase efficiency and reduce costs. Using IoT a transport company was able to track their fleet in real-time. This enabled them to reduce delivery times by thirty percent, becoming more fuel efficient, while being able to serve more customers with their fleet of vehicles. Contact us now, to discuss how we can help your business to benefit from increased efficiency, reduced costs and greater profits, using smart IoT solutions.

Artificial Intelligence: Smarter Business Insights Using AI

Taking advantage of insights powered by artificial intelligence (AI) can give a business the edge over it competitors and set innovative leaders apart from followers who are playing catch up. A client using our platform used analytics delivered by AI to save millions in their running costs and improve decision making, based upon more accurate data. If you want to harness the power of AI and predictive analytics to better capitalise on trends, contact us to learn how we can help your business grow.

Cybersecurity: Protect Your Business Using Advanced Cybersecurity

Data breaches are a serious risk to business reputation and success. As threats evolve rapidly, you need a partner who can help you to keep your data safe. We specialise in cybersecurity for retail businesses. A business that has become a valued client, sought our assistance following a serious data breach that caused them financial and reputation loss. We put in place advanced cybersecurity protocols and after identifying potential weak points on their network, fortified them against future threats. They were subsequently able to reassure investors and other stakeholders, regarding the steps taken to secure their business data.

CRM Software: Develop Customer Relationships Using CRM Software

Customers are essential for the success of any business and the better that you understand the preferences of your own customers the more effectively you can offer want they want and need. Our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software uses AI, providing a strategic tool that enables businesses to track all customer engagement and build more responsive relationships. Contact us now to learn how our CRM platform could help you to more effectively serve your customers and build longer lasting and more profitable relationships with them.


Standing out in a competitive market is difficult and even the best product or service will not sell if it cannot be found. Accurate market and customer data suitably analysed and acted upon can help a business to develop an effective digital marketing strategy. Content that attracts the attention and engages the interest of the target audience can generate leads and sales, helping a business establish a growing customer base.

Posted in Technology.