Your Personal Mythology

Who am I and what is the purpose of my life are questions that people across the world have asked themselves and each other for thousands of years. You might have a vision of who you want to be and the life that you want to live, but feel unable to change your life. If you are an artist, designer or artisan, you might be struggling to develop your own personal style of self expression. If you are trying to establish a career or build a business, you might be attempting to set yourself achievable goals that you believe will lead to success.Continue reading

The Art of Living Simply

Do you feel overwhelmed by the many possessions that you have accumulated and the pressure to earn the money to buy yet more things? William Morris stated that everything we own should be either useful or beautiful. The ideas that he proposed more than one hundred years ago remain relevant to life in the twenty-first century, inspiring movements such as minimalism. They remind us to appreciate the quality of what we own, rather than focusing upon the quantity.Continue reading