Human Copywriters and AI

The growing power of artificial intelligence (AI) is viewed by some as an opportunity. However, many people are concerned about the possible impact of AI on their future employment prospects. Most sectors of the economy are already, or likely soon will be, affected and the increasing use of AI could change the nature of work for millions of people. In this blog post I look at why AI will not replace human copywriters, although as with workers in many fields, they will face pressures to which they will need to adapt.

CraftBook - Human Copywriters and AI

Why AI Will Not Replace Human Copywriters

Generative artificial intelligence is used within many businesses as a research tool and to create content. This has led to comparisons with content written by human copywriters and much discussion regarding their employment prospects. Therefore it is worth considering the limitations of AI, such as the need to fact check their output, identify errors and correct them. At the same time qualities human copywriters can bring to their work should be highlighted, including an understanding of human motivation that shapes the marketing and sales process.

When working with a human copywriter, the complex needs and goals of a business can be discussed in detail, leading to a shared understanding of the content strategy. Refining the prompts written when instructing an AI can be a time consuming and frustrating process. The results generated are often unsatisfactory and require considerable proofreading and editing. AI can complete some routine tasks that are easy to define. However, a human copywriter can bring a combination of knowledge and skills, including digital marketing and storytelling, that will help a business to deliver sales and marketing messages that engage the attention and interest of their target audience.

From the perspective of a business, the main concern regarding content is its effectiveness as a tool that reaches potential customers and motivates a desired action, such as buying what they are selling. The content generated by AI is constructed from a vast range of data, originally produced by human beings, but AI lacks any insight or understanding. Human copywriters can combine writing skills and emotional intelligence with creativity and an understanding of business goals and customer needs, to deliver persuasive content that resonates deeply with other people.

Rather than replacing human copywriters, or creative workers in general, generative artificial intelligence can serve as a useful tool, to gather information which is then evaluated. However, only humans have a shared understanding of the subtlety and nuance they learn from the experience of living in the real world. AI lacks an internal perspective or deeper understanding of being human and generates content that is generic, derivative and inconsistent. This limitation is reflected in the inability of AI to comprehend the meaning of memes or jokes, which might appear simple, but rely upon the complex interplay between different ideas.

When comparing text written by human copywriters and that generated by using AI, it is important to reflect upon the internal processes that produce content. A human being posses empathy, intuition and creativity. They can combine an awareness of psychology, cultural norms and context to write long form content promoting a product or service, that coherently reflects the voice or brand of a business, across different platforms. Particularly in relation to topics of a more sensitive nature, there is also the risk AI might misrepresent a business or even cause offence, damaging their business brand.

The Future of Creative Workers

This blog post has focused on AI and human copywriters, but there are similar concerns for the future among other creative workers, including artists and designers. Ultimately the decision of whether to employ the services of a human copywriter, designer or artist, rather than use AI, will be influenced by a businesses budget and content goals. However, in a commercial environment, in which people often feel more motivated to engage with content that is authentic and personalised, a business that communicates with its audience more effectively can outperform its competitors. Whether working as an individual, or as part of a team, humans can outperform AI and deliver results that generate more leads and sales, a situation that is unlikely to change in the future.

Posted in Technology.